
Puppy Classes

vic077 (12 posts) • 0

Is there any type of puppy classes-socialization or obedience?? My dog is 4.5 months and is in need of socialization—especially in the area of not jumping up on other dogs so excitedly when greeting them :-)

onomatopoeiaaah (51 posts) • 0

It's a dog. Every time he does something disagreeable give him a beating. He'll learn quickly. It's a dog. No need for class. He ain't taking notes.

lao_wai (18 posts) • 0

Well O...Pretty rough.
Personally, I think the electric shock collars work better. Much more discreet than beating your dog. Buy one appropriate to your dogs size unless you want it fried.

JJ and Janice (324 posts) • 0

Gosh - - onomatopoeiaaah - - I used to give you the benefit of the doubt as being a lady. However - - give the dog a beating.

Where I come from, folks who beat dogs and horses get beat up themselves!

Hope you were joking.

Cheers - - JJ

vic077 (12 posts) • 0

well thanks, I guess. I had hoped for some real answers, but if this is the best KM has to offer than I'll have to look somewhere else.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Not sure about the local classes (like police dogs) - but there are many e-books on dog training - besides the big stick trick. With most animals - training is not so difficult but you must learn to be consistent and patient with the animal.

We've owned many dogs - my father used the beat the animal trick - but over the years we learned physical control doesn't equate to beating the animal - they can learn as long as you control their body and attention - so most important is the animal first learn to respond to your voice. Only takes a couple of weeks to train the animal to sit, stay, and come upon voice command. Buy lot's of doggie treats...ours loved the bacon flavored stuff.

Now - if you need to know how to find and DL (download) free e-books - that's another discussion...
but, just ask...

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