
Average Monthly Salary in Kunming?

Daithi (426 posts) • 0

@mmkunmingteacher I dont think u meant it as a joke.

"I cannot imagine these sorts of daily problems. Something else must be wrong."

And elsewhere u prefaced a similar remark with "seriously".

It certainly didnt come across as a joke.

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

So many restaurants with pictures, too, on menus or on walls. Or point to what other customers are eating. Not difficult. And if you do get a slightly different dish to what you ordered, give it a try and chalk it all up to experience.

redjon77 (510 posts) • 0

@Ocean Done that a few times early on, pointed to a dish, got the one next to it :) still ate and ended up adding to list of dishes I regular get now as so nice.
Experience is a journey :)

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0


Did you know mmkunmingteacher is on his third or fourth GoK alias already. Can you possibly imagine why.

Daithi (426 posts) • 0

@AlexKMG How do u know that? Cos he said he had just 2...one was work-related. So what makes u so sure he has 3 or 4?

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