
Where are all the bellydancing?

KAYARAK (12 posts) • 0

I just joined a health club close to Walmart on Beijing Lu and LinYu. I noticed on their monthly class schedule, that they offer bellydancing classes M-F, afternoons or evenings. Even sell the outfits. But hurry, the yearly and other membership options are expected to go up substantially in Jan or Feb.

Mimane (5 posts) • 0

It's not belly-dancing, but if you like dancing in general, I suggest you take a look at our new website (English/Chinese): www.thedangsters.com.

Our dance studio is located in the city center, at XiaoXiMen (detailed address on the website).


Philou (208 posts) • 0

I just remember that when I went to "Fennel", a nightclub/bar next to the Green Lake Hotel, they had Bellydancing videos... they also have live music: they might be interested by some live bellydancing.

And yeah, check out what Kayarak said, I think they have bellydancing lessons in many fitness center. for exemple, one fitness center in a building at the crossing of Qingnian Lu and Renmin Zhong Lu. don't remember the name though

debaser (647 posts) • 0

last time i looked there were 2 places with Fennel in the name and both on the same road. one was Funnel Club and the other was Fennel Bar or something like that. i'm told that they're not related.

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