
Best way to travel to Vietnam

seahorse62 (141 posts) • 0

I plan to travel to Hanoi for a long weekend in two weeks for a little R&R. I will be traveling on a shoestring budget; therefore, I was hoping those of you who have traveled to Vietnam might give me some suggestions.

What is the cheapest way to travel there?
Suggestions for a nice clean place to stay that won't break the bank.

Do I need to get a visa before leaving KM?

If so, where is the Vietnamese Embassy?
Any suggestions about what to do where there.


still going (2 posts) • 0

My Husband and I want to go from Hekou to Kunming on the 26th of February. I am worried about taking the bus as he is asthmatic and is really sensitive to smoke. I am therefore, looking for a private car to take from Hekou to Kunming. Does anyone know of a person or a travel agency I could contact.


Kirkpatrick (56 posts) • 0

Can'y help much with the travel there... I did the journey slowly and expensively.

Hotel Especen is pretty decent, and just down an ally from some nice cafes and the cathedral. I used to love listening to the bells while having a coffee in the morning. Gorgeous sound.

It was about 100 kuai for a room when I stayed there. If you e-mail them:


you can ask for the rates. Try to get a few dollars knocked off the price.

If you go overland I think you need to get a visa at the embassy in Kunming. Have a search around the forums, I'm sure Dan did an article about bussing it down there for a weekend.

John Xie (109 posts) • 0

you need to get a visa before leaving KM. the Embassy is located in 昆明市北京路157号佳华广场酒店c6 tel:0871-3522669 Beijing road close to the railway station. the charge of the visa is around 330. 3 working days to obtaining. but usualy get it the next day. be carful to note that the time to obtain visa is only around 4:30 —5:30 pm. (so strange)

as for still going. you can cantact me for the transportation. I do not sure I will fix it for you. but I would be helpful since I'm a local Chinese around that area. just don't sure if I'm there at that time. (if I'm there you will definited get the private transportation). 7676794@sohu.com

Yuanyangren (297 posts) • 0

Although guys have been to Vietnam already, for future reference, I'd say going by private car is the way to go; although, for your information, smoking has been banned on the bus from Kunming to Hekou (and vice versa) and nearly every smoker on the bus only smokes during rest breaks now (I can vouch for that, since I've travelled on that bus a couple of times now). The small, local buses are the ones to avoid since smoking onboard is still common (unfortunately), however the big Yunnan Express buses fortunately don't have much of that anymore.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

You can get some basic info from my website


If you need further assistance feel free to call or email


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