
The Kunming Look

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Using the 'politically correct B.S. here' cliche may sound smart but it's just a cliche and has nothing to do with the sentiment expressed by me following the wording of the original post. Indeed your own argument is incoherent since you appear to support the sentiment it's not nice to be gazed at as a foreigner yet OK in reverse.

onomatopoeiaaah (51 posts) • 0

It's normal to talk about the beauty of women (and the attractiveness of men for that matter) from different areas of the world, since people from different regions do have different features. What's wrong with that? I didn't get the impression that the original poster was being in any way crude about it, neither did he suggest that he'd been leering at anyone or that anyone was in danger of being 'gazed on like cattle in a market'. It was a fairly innocuous question about regional beauty. Where's the problem here?

nnoble: Where, in Hella's post, did he appear to support the sentiment that it's not nice to be gazed at? It seems to me that he simply pointed out that foreigners here are more likely to be stared at than locals. At no point did he express how he felt about it. In the process of implying that Hella is 'incoherent', you've only served to display a lack of reading comprehension.

tremcg (3 posts) • 0

thanks for the info, it really does seem china is sort of like a united europe in terms physical appearance.

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