
The Kunming Look

tremcg (3 posts) • 0

I stumbled across this site by accident and wanted get the opinions of some of you in kunming. I have visited China a couple different times with friends we've been to Beijing, Guangzhou, and the Shanghai area and have noticed that people, well especially the girls, that most have their own special region's appearance. It seemed to us that the Shanghai area girls were the most beautiful of those three on average, even the ones without the makeup. Now I know that yunnan has a lot of different nationalities, but Kunming is mostly filled by han.

Do the Kunming han girls have any special appearance? How do they compare with the attractiveness of the other regions of china?

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Dude - I hate to break bad news to you - but roughly 40-60% of the population of most major Tier 1 cities are immigrants - they're from other provinces drawn to the cities by jobs and high pay.

Your comment about "shanghai girls" just means the girls living in Shanghai know how to package themselves with a more sophisticated international-level style - benefits and drawbacks of living in big cities.

If you're in doubt - take a look around Shanghai, Beijing, etc during the next Chinese New Years - the cities are remarkably vacant of the alleged "Shanghai girls" - they've all gone home for their vacations.

As for Yunnan and its rich minorities...all women are beautiful, attractive, cute, etc at various times in their lives. It takes a truly attentive husband or boyfriend to help a woman blossom - although the women from Yunnan's minority tribes can be truly naturally stunning in both face and figure, right down to their souls - "a rose by any other name"...depends on the admirer and whether you seek superficial or profound beauty.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

A tacky thread this.

Laotou: a measured and diplomatic answer. Let's hope Kunming people are spared being gazed on like cattle in a market.

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

"Let's hope Kunming people are spared being gazed on like cattle in a market."

Agreed. That stuff is reserved for foreigners.

tremcg (3 posts) • 0

What's the deal? Commenting on the attractiveness of women for a guy is as normal as normal can be, commenting on the attractiveness of anything is just the same. There is obviously differences in features of the people in the different regions around china, although they may come from a migrant background most of them are from the surrounding region.

timkunming (87 posts) • 0

Truth be told, it is quite normal. I don't think anyone is knocking you for that, it just seems a bit silly to state that girls in A city are clearly better looking than girls in B city because of such and such reasons. China just doesn't work that way.

People in Kunming, including women are going to be a bit more "bumpkin" than you're likely to see in other highly populated coastal cities. This certainly doesn't mean it's true for ALL of them, it's just going to be a bit more obvious given the geography and the fact that many parts of Yunnan are still rather poor and underdeveloped.

Probably going to be a bit darker than you'd expect, and I have noticed people here are quite a bit shorter and smaller than those you may find in the northeast, like Jilin or Heilongjiang.

You'll find most girls in Kunming are Han, or perhaps at most 1/2 to 1/4 minority of some sort. Some of them can be quite attractive but it again it depends on your preference. Like laotou said, all people in some way offer something different. Take Chengdu girls for example - known throughout China as being rather attractive, but I can't stand to listen to them speak.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Not flaming you - I reserve that privilege for my kids (makes them tougher).

GoKM bloggers are perhaps a bit hypersensitive after the recent "gaoxing" seagull incident. Seagulls blow in amid much din and racket, leave their droppings and feathers all over the place while flapping and cawing frantically, then leave as they arrived. From what we can gather - gx blew in looking for free sex and in a perhaps sado-masochistic manner, self-immolation through blog flaming and other controversial incendiaries. On a positive note - gx was quite lively and entertaining.

Migrant can mean rural area dwellers, but it can also mean anyone moving from city to city. China's hukou (residency) system, although considerably more relaxed these days, is politically and culturally quite different from something you may have experienced in other more liberal countries. Everyone enjoys admiring flowers - but there's always the danger of viewing people as objects as opposed to human beings or not taking into account the whole picture.

China is not one big country as most foreigners would like to believe - just because we all have black hair, occidentals assume we're all one race but over time, geography, diet, and various historical influences, China is culturally more similar to Europe in its diversity. Most provinces have distinctive dialects that are so far removed from putonghua as to be akin to a foreign language. It takes tremendous strength of will to weld a country like this together and more importantly, keep it together for the benefit and goodwill of all. The EU only recently achieved a similar semblance of unity, but is probably generations away from homogeneity - if that were possible at all.

So your comment to those familiar with Chinese culture is akin to comparing Parisian women with Londoners, Moscovites, etc.

And I've heard similar comments about Sichuan dialects from some of my students - both local and "migrant" (aka from other provinces).

Anyway - my point is most women (stereotyping here) can bloom over and over again given the right care and feeding from their man. Beauty itself depends on the eye of the beholder and tends to fade rather quickly with time. You have the good fortune of living in the Shangrila of flowers, regardless of city or province. Beauty is as diverse as the cuisine.

ncsimon (7 posts) • 0

@laotou - What century are you living in? "It takes a truly attentive husband or boyfriend to help a woman blossom," and "most women (stereotyping here) can bloom over and over again given the right care and feeding from their man." Are you serious here?

So women can't "blossom" or "bloom" without their man. Give me a break you reactionary and stop being so patronizing.

onomatopoeiaaah (51 posts) • 0

Agreed. Laotou makes women sound like plants, or pets or something, which is ironic considering his earlier comment about the danger of objectifying them.

"most women (stereotyping here) can bloom over and over again given the right care and feeding from their man."

This little gem is up there with the terminal cancer comment you made a while back. Keep em coming, endless LOLZ.

Anyway, i have to run, i forgot to water my girlfriend.

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