looking for some good chinese pop songs.
good obviously being a relative term here.
already got the 老鼠爱大米,对面的女孩,etc.
anybody got suggestions for expanding my repertoire?
looking for some good chinese pop songs.
good obviously being a relative term here.
already got the 老鼠爱大米,对面的女孩,etc.
anybody got suggestions for expanding my repertoire?
haha, cool
those two songs were pretty popular.
I like Jay Chou's old songs, and S.H.E
Currently, my favorite ones are:这就是爱情, 寂寞寂寞就好 思念是一种病
hope u like it:)
张震岳- 再见, 爱の初体验, 爱我别走
哈狗帮 (MChotdog)-我爱台每, 母老虎, 差不多先生
周杰论- 彩虹, 牛仔很忙
Raul - try this: mp3.baidu.com
It has the top 10, 100, 500 pop songs in China - although I don't know what qualifies a song as TOP - tastes differ so enjoy spending weeks browsing, downloading, and then trying to rename with the original Chinese characters - not to mention trying to keep track of your DLs...
thanks guys
can't stand 周杰伦, but he does make some good tunes. mchotdog is hilarious. also 差不多先生 is an amazing short story, everybody should read it
the baidu service is crazy. always listened to 北京一夜 on there but never realized it had the top tunes compendium. just discovered 萧亚轩 on there, she's got a bunch of the top tunes, some pretty crazy sounds
another old tune i just learned, catchy as hell: 美丽的神话 by 孙楠 and 韩红
I don't know much about Chinese music but this guy is one of my favorites: 汪峰. He makes some decent pop/rock.
飞得更高 and 怒放的生命 are pretty famous.
I recommend you 萧亚轩 - 表白 and this korean song so famous in here : 东方神起 - 咒语
here are some good songs/ some may not popular but good. you could get the link by baidu search.
春花秋开 稻草人 执着 月牙泉 被遗忘的时光
思念观世音 (I miss Guanyin (the goddess of mercy)
and more/ if you guys like it.