
语言伙伴/Language Exchange

Jared (19 posts) • 0


I am a 24-year old language student at Yunnan Normal University. I am looking for a language partner to meet once or twice a week. Last year I was an English teacher at Yunnan University of Finance and Economics. If you are interested, please send me an email. I look forward to meeting you.

English name: Jared
Email: jaredrhall@gmail.com

Nd4spd James (1 post) • 0

Hi Jared

I am James, graduate student in Kunming University of science and technology. A coincidence! I am looking for a language partner too. I can speak both English and Chinese. My Email:zxjames525@yahoo.com.cn

Jared (19 posts) • 0

Thanks. I already have two language partners. Perhaps somebody else might be interested in doing an exchange?

qjleer (1 post) • 0

I am interested in it, I am a teacher too, please call me if you haven't find the suitable person. my telephone number is in your email

jessieschau (2 posts) • 0

Do you mind finding a language partner online?
I recommend you a good website:www.italki.com
Free log in and find foreigners all over the world.

zlif23 (159 posts) • 0

hi if you want to practice chinese with me, a native chinese speaker, chat with me msn: zlif23@hotmail.com. thanks a lot. merci. danke.

violet.lu (3 posts) • 0

hi, everybody! i'm a chinese girl, you can call me Violet. I want find a english speaker to practise oral english. i'm good at in chinese history and geograph and so on~~~my email is :luxuandi@hotmail.com

nancyli (1 post) • 0

Hello,I am a chinese girl,you can call me nancy. i'm so happy to know every friends.I born in kunming,I want to exchange language and make friend with foreigner speak English.I can teach him/her Chinese,at same time he/she help me to improve my ability of using English.
Please contanct with me:
e-mail: liyanjia1988@hotmail.com

marsha (7 posts) • 0

I need a French teacher who is willing to exchange French lessons for Chinese ; Also I need an English teacher who is willing to exchange English lessons for Chinese ; I am willing to teach Chinese without an exchange for 70yuan/2hours . I have 8 years of experience in teaching Chinese to foreigners.
Contact : Marsha
Tele : 131 878 26923
Email: liqiongmei2006@gmail.com

Babie (1 post) • 0

Hi, I am a kunming woman. I am looking for a language partner too. I am a optimism and extravert woman. May be i can to be your perfect guide with yunnan. If you are interested, please send email to me. I look forward to meet you.

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