hello! I was wondering if this group ever got up and running and if it's open to new blood.
hello! I was wondering if this group ever got up and running and if it's open to new blood.
I hope I am not kicking a dead horse or corpse.
Still seeing if there were any word breathing masters out there for some interaction.
Writers need other writers.
For competition.
I just met a guy named Matt and Analie this weekend. They write and they want to do something worth a damn. So that makes three of us. However, the more the better. If anyone is interested in setting something up. Weekly, monthly, whatevs. Let me know.
Annette Partida
Hey Annette,
I'm doing a little poetry get together if you're interested:
I think we'll meet again next Monday.
Does anybody run any writing workshops at the moment? I'm a translator and my personal preferences rest between absurdism, existential literature, magic realism, and multicultural literature which embraces everything mentioned above. I would love to find creative people to share ideas, and work together.
Hi - did anyone find or start a writers' group? I will be in Kunming early next year at some point, working on a novel. It would be nice to meet likeminded peple.
- Chris
Hi Chris,
Poetry Night is here to stay, every other Monday 9pm at MuYu Studio, next time will be on the the 25th.
There's also Spit, Wine and Rhyme every Friday in the park!
"even if you have never written before". Yea, now those are my types of writers!
There are lot's of closet writers who are half decent when they get a chance. I never bothered to write a poem till I showed up at Ian's poetry night.
I would be very interested in joining a writers group but not so much in poetry. Any plans or a schedule?
@ English tutor
Same here. The poetry group is cool but I am more interested in other creativ writing, short stories, scripts, comedy etc.
I'm looking for likeminded people as well.