
What helps against moskitos?

Vortarulo (13 posts) • 0

We're living in a dormitory room and have a big problem with moskitos. In the last half hour we killed about 6 or 7 of them. Still at night the constant "meeeeeeeeeeeeee" keeps me awake and their bites itch...

Our window is usually closed, so is our door, so we can't improve much on that. What helps best against them (except for shoes and being quick)?

Buying moskito nets/tents for each of us might be our last option, is there anything else effective? Any recommendable device, fragrance thingie or lotion that definitely works?

- André

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Andre - welcome to Kunming! Most of the stores have these incredibly toxic incense coils - they're either black or green (usually) - they burn for HOURS so be REALLY CAREFUL. Also most chinese use this fragrant green alcohol based liquids to stop the scratching from the wicked bites.

Personally - we use mosquito nets (we have small kids) and those fantastic electric hand held bug zappers (look like small tennis racquets) - and we all derive immense perverted glee from watching the evil creatures slowly incinerate to death as their little legs and wings get zapped off from the high voltage blasts. Immense satisfaction. This is a more desirable solution as it avoids the use of chemicals (which work really well but dunno what they'll do to your body in future).

Kunming mosquitoes are notoriously sneaky and fast - choosing primarily to sip and go versus the long swill at the bar technique.

Finally - old wives tale - mosquitoes seem to target banana eaters - so leave a bunch around but don't partake...see if they gravitate towards your room-mate...

bucko (695 posts) • 0

I love those zappers! The coils do work well. I put them on my balcony which seems to keep them away and I can actually sit outside in the evening.
The crazy thing about the Chinese skeets is they go all night. Most other places they come out at dusk for an hour or so and then disappear the rest of the night. This is really an aggressive breed we have here.
Also avoid wearing perfumes. The banana idea sounds great.

triathlete (8 posts) • 0

I know this is gonna sound stupid....but pour some bleach in the grooves of your shower doors.....I found some larvae growing in the stagnant water.
Remember that mosquitos do not like moving air. I use a fan directly on me during the night. No problem.

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