
GoKunming Team

gaoxing (63 posts) • 0

How do you guys "make it" here in Kunming? I don't think you get paid to run this website?

Did you guys get work visas to run this website?

Vortarulo (13 posts) • 0

My guess is they're financing this website through the use of ads. You see some of them all the time, here... usually about companies in Kunming itself, about language schools, hotels, travel agencies or bars. Indeed things that're interesting for the users of GoKunming. Of course the companies know that, so they might actually pay well.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Gaoxing, I see another complaint about Kunming coming. Most of your post are negative. So sad.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

I doubt the ads will make gokm rich - but probably enough for comfortable subsistence with some staff.

PerNordin (50 posts) • 0

onomatopoeiaaah: I wonder if even he himself would want to send him a Valentines card... :D He doesn't strike me as a person who is very fond of himself, which is sad if so.

Xiefei (539 posts) • 0

The guy makes one normal post and you're all over him anyway. Congratulations - now you guys are the trolls.

From what I understand, the ads on gokunming aren't exactly lucrative, though they seem to be doing better. It's a labor of love, mixed with a bit of hope for what the site (and the city) can become. The guys also do other writing/translation/consulting work and run gochengdoo.com among other things.

onomatopoeiaaah (51 posts) • 0

Well, i stumbled upon some of his posts recently and so have little sympathy for someone who comes on here and starts throwing random insults around at people he barely knows, and displays a staggering amount of ignorance towards the people and environment around him. As far as i'm concerned, he made his bed and until he shows some level of respect to the general community here in Kunming, he can lie in it. Otherwise, i'll treat exactly the way he treats everyone else, like, in his own words: 'a douche bag'.

Also, i'm not sure it is entirely normal a question to ask a stranger on the internet how they make their money and how they get their visa. Since he makes the assumption that Gokunming doesn't get paid to run the website, he's asking how they make their money. Which is none of his business. Or yours for that matter.

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