
Best Gyms in Kunming?

jdettmar (1 post) • 0

I'm moving to Kunming in two weeks and am looking for the best gym in terms of free weights. If anyone could direct me to a gym with (at bare minimum) a squat rack, a decent set of dumbbells, barbells, and a reasonable amount of plates, it would be much appreciated. Any sightings of a plate-loaded leg press or hack squat would be an added bonus. Thanks!

kahokey (19 posts) • 0

I went to this gym for a couple of months and may go back again when I return to Kunming at the end of August. It's got everything you need but don't expect classic Powerhouse facilities. Other gyms in the area with similar equipment but this one was most convenient for me.

Powerhouse Gym
17 Renmin Zhong Lu, New Southwest Shopping Mall, West Building, 7th Floor, Kunming
Phone: (0871) 6052008

Mikemann40 (1 post) • 0

Surmount Fitness Club,
this GYM and Fitness Club is lokated near the "Green Land Hotel" on the other side of the street is one chopping center and it`s on the 5th floor.
Everything what a professional body builder need ist there. Lot of free weights, bench press and squad holder. This GYM is better than mine in Hamburg Germany. I am a German working 3 Month in Kunming and go to this GYM my self wright now. But don`t be shocked at the shower what you see: the Chinese boys have absolutely no intime culture. They have more hair around thair balls like the Ammazonas Jungle.

thatguyted (34 posts) • 0

In general most gyms do not have a good place to do squats. I see lots of Smith machines, I don't know if you're OK with that. Don't expect more than one squat rack.

HenryBenjy (12 posts) • 0


You might want to try these one-legged squats, since I have not found any squat racks in Kunming gyms. They think smith machines are better. I have seen hack squat and leg press machines, as well as a variety of benches and freeweights in gyms, notably Powerhouse Gym. There's the one mentioned above on Renmin Zhong Lu, and there's also another one near 945 Beijing Lu, almost directly across from the JunFa center (俊发中心). Once you get there, look across the street and you'll see a powerhouse gym on the 4th floor of a building, it's impossible to miss. Take the elevator at ground level up to the 4th floor. There's a Gomz electronics store in the same building on the 1st and 2nd floors.

WayoftheSun (52 posts) • 0

What is the general cost of these gyms? Are there any within walking distance of Wenlinjie that are a reasonable price? I really just want a treadmill or bike so i can do cardio and some freeweights so im not such a blob anymore. Its so awkward to go running outside in kunming...you spend most your energy dodging people and pushing through them.

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