
Is there an American Notary Public in Kunming?

applepie (1 post) • 0

Hey, Does anyone know of an American Notary here in Kunming? I need a document notarized for the states asap. Appreciate any info or leads about this. Thanks

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

I don't know of a Notary Public in Kunming, last time I had to go to the Chengdu Consulate to get my documents notarized. Best of luck in finding one.


Jodie (6 posts) • 0

I don't know an American notary, but I have been working with a Chinese notary company which was recommended by an American. The company is Zhenyuan Notary Public at 177 Wuyi Lu. Yang Lei is a young woman there who speaks and writes English. Her phone is 13577132390. They may go through a lot of "extra" steps, even if you don't want those steps, but those steps may be required by their law, and they won't or can't deviate from their standard procedure. Get a written price quote before the work is started.

Jodie (6 posts) • 0

Chengdu Consulate - American Citizen Services in Kunming

From time to time, the Chengdu Consulate sends a consular officer to Kunming to perform services for Americans here. One of the services they offer is notary service. Here is the link to the event of August 4, 2010.

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