
WTF! Separate arirfare for foreigners for doemstic flights

-14x- (15 posts) • 0

My whole intention was: you shouldn't name this higher price for flights policy racism or discrimination. Those are really bad things, much worse things than to pass on extra costs a company has with a certain group of customers to them.

debaser (647 posts) • 0

This policy is racist and this is discrimination. Could a restaurant in New York offer a lower rate to whites? NO. Could a bus company in the UK advertise cheaper prices for Asians? NO. Why? Because such practices would be illeagal on the grounds that they are racist and discriminatory. SIMPLE.

Maybe overweight people should be charged more to fly as they take up more room and consume more food than the average customer not to mention the extra fuel that's needed to get them to their destination. How about that? Those flying with children could also pay extra because the noise from their little angels often spoils the flight for other passengers.

we can all come up with 'reasons' for unfair policies but that doesn't change the fact that they are unfair. Likewise, the fact that discrimination occurs elsewhere doesn't make it acceptable does it?

@Tom69 - yes, it's your choice and any reasonable person would support you in that respect at the very least.

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