
Marriage advice

Chris Taylor (4 posts) • 0

Just ignore Dan, Chingis. He lost the plot in Hanoi. It seems obvious to me that the place to do this is the Hump, with catering by Chapter One (they do a superb banana chicken).

Is that case of beer cold?


onomatopoeiaaah (51 posts) • 0

Ah JJ, why not just ask yourself? Are you shy? Frightened? Is this why you seem to follow me around questioning my every post? Are you in love with me? I was under the impression you were married? If not just let me know, and we'll work something out ;)


Chingis (242 posts) • 0

Can you two/ three break it up. This thread is about me.

What's "Top One"?
And more importantly, does anyone know a J.P or marriage celebrant I can use/ borrow/ hire?

onomatopoeiaaah (51 posts) • 0

Sorry Chingis, think i ruffled this guys feathers a while back, now he can't seem to let it go. Hence the childish, sexist remarks. Surprising really when you consider his age.

Anyway, a lot depends on how much money you're willing to spend. Is it possible to rent a Marquee and do it outside? I always thought it was nicer to do it outside in the sunshine. Just a thought anyway. Congrats by the way.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Wow, it's so lively in here that I can't resist jumping into to fray.

I don't want to assume but there are several entertainment venues named "Top one" in Kunming, the most prominent, in mine mind, would be the TOP ONE disco/club in Kundu. There is another KTV place named TOP ONE. Not sure what Ono is referring to.

Tiger (66 posts) • 0

Thank you for the answer Tonyaod. It seems that onomato ... needs to know that there are hundreds of readers here who did not know what Top One means. A simple civilised answer would have sufficed instead of twisting knickers.

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