
Any last words to Google? 88...

slabo (55 posts) • 0

Ok, so now Google redirects to HK. I don't think this will stand for long. Not that it makes much difference to the average Chinese Joe, but to me it does. I'm starting to look for a VPN solution already.

rlowe (25 posts) • 0

So far igoogle and gmail still work in English. Google.hk is already blocked in Chinese. It would be nice to think that the powers that be e will take the least disruptive approach to satisfying their requirements

Ricci (8 posts) • 0

google.hk is not blocked for me using normal internet here in Kunming.
Anyway, even if it were, it wouldn't effect me cause I don't use chinese google.
What gets me more is that a certain proxy that used to work in China is blocked, so I guess either I need to use a payed service to have access to certain websites or just do as the Chinese gvmt wishes.
The thing is, by blocking these websites, they are achieving just the opposite. But I guess they don't care and only try to protect their corrupt syst.... ehm the Chinese people from evil western thoughts ;)

slabo (55 posts) • 0

you mean TOR ? I also notice, seems they are blocking new TOR bridges as soon as they are issued. Anyone else notice this?

Ricci (8 posts) • 0

yes, none of my bridges work anymore and if i try to get new ones through sending a mail, I get some that I allready have :(

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

shhh...don't tell anyone our secret.

Good riddance - I truly doubt censorship is the real issue - Google is hiding something else or has another agenda. Also - their decision has left 600 employees in limbo (according to news reports). Let's see how they treat them - see if Google is truly the "company that does no evil".

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

shhh...don't tell anyone our secret.

Good riddance - I truly doubt censorship is the real issue - Google is hiding something else or has another agenda. Also - their decision has left 600 employees in limbo (according to news reports). Let's see how they treat them - see if Google is truly the "company that does no evil".

LuJingLin (28 posts) • 0


I couldn't love Google more right now. They are in the position and actually doing what no government can and most corporations won't right now- flying the bird to the Chinese government and saying that money and profits foregone would never distract them from the fundamental ethics of their business.

JJ and Janice (324 posts) • 0

If Google's decision had to do with ethics/morals and their "Do No Evil" - - why did they wait all these years of doing censorship before they decided to be ethical? Can anyone explain??

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