
Something that's been irking my...no offense to anyone

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

What's with the recent slew of tacky want ads? I've been keeping my mouth shut out of respect for their rights to post such ads but I just can't stand it anymore.

No offense to anyone, wanting to hook up with some one to pass a lonely night is fine, we're all human and I'm no prude. But is it really necessary to blare SEX all over your ad? Is it necessary to let it be known to the WHOLE expat community that you are basically extremely horny and looking for someone to scratch your itch for the night and then blow them off in the morning?

I guess I'm just tired of Chinese friends constantly asking me why are foreign guys so open and always only after one thing and don't care about the girls they are with...sigh.

Anyway, I know I'm not being objective here and its something that's just been bothering me and needed to rant about it.

Thanks for listening.

Philistine (4 posts) • 0

Good point, Tony!

I am extremely agree with you! I am so tired of those "Learning Chinese" "Private Tutors" ads. I feel like it is kinda unfair for those featured advertisers who paid a lot of money while those unpaid ads appear everyday on the CLSSIFIEDS and FORUM sections and even get better promotion effects.

Advertisers! Please DO NOT flood the forum with duplicated information.

I think the admins might consider to filter some of those ads, making this forum a more effecient and fairer one.

I always appreciate the convenience that GoKunming brings me, but I hope it is not a place for unlimited ads, but a place to exchange USEFUL information.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

If Chinese friends are mentioning this then it's counter to accepted behavior and those causing the offense through use of explicit and coarse language should at least know.

Just in the last few days a friend and colleague caused great offense by not being aware and following etiquette at a meal. The behavior displayed caused me to wince and would have been deemed rude at a family table at home. And here is the problem, one westerner's unacceptable behavior is quite often then attributed to all westerners.

A large number of Chinese may assume this is normal and accepted behavior at home when in fact bad manners can be recognized as such the world over by young and old alike. It works both ways: Kunming drivers habits would be recognized as bad the world over but then at least they're on home ground.

JJ and Janice (324 posts) • 0

As for those poor suls who have to advertise for a relationship - - perhaps we should just extend sympathy!!

Does anyone really answer ads from losers looking for "something"??

In the U.S. these things are/would be fertile ground for sex offenders.

Again, just my opinion.

Kiwi3 (61 posts) • 0

Erm...why are some of you generalising that it is only westerners doing it? There was one funny one a couple of days ago where a Chinese guy was looking for western women, in fact quite a few tacky ones by locals looking for friends. Regardless of who is posting them they are more amusing than anything else.

hunter899 (1 post) • 0

and please let me laugh again, if it's not hurting, you sensitive puppies
why you don't just go to complain to your mommies

and please let me know what you are doing here if it's better in us or wherever,
nobody force you to be here
nobody force you to come here
if you can't put up with that small ... my god
maybe we should open a special puppies complaining hotline for you guys, that sounds promising lol

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Dude, hunter...what are you talking about? Do you even comprehend what is being discussed here or are you too busy laughing at things you clearly don't understand.

No one said anything about the US being better, or "whatever" for that matter. I have no idea what you are referencing to with "if you can't put up with that small". Small what? or do you mean smell. In that case, what smell are you referring to?

I suggest that you put down the bong pipe, then MAYBE, you can understand what is being discussed here.

Or better yet, once you're sobered up, you can get started on that special puppies complaining hot line idea of yours and perhaps finally make a lasting contribution to the expat community here in Kunming.

Just a thought.

hetszunyu (11 posts) • 0

Shit I haven't seen these, they have to be really entertaining :) I only saw the chick discussing her new vibrator on the forum, that was epic :D

LuJingLin (28 posts) • 0

I think people need to separate their reactions to this a little bit. There is a difference between looking down on looking for play and not wanting that search to happen on this website. From what I see it seems like most people simply look down on foreign men and chinese women getting together casually. To that I say who cares? White men have earned a reputation (both unfairly through entertainment and fairly through real example) for being overly interested in sex and vice versa the stereotype of chiense women looking for money or an exotic lover. Both foreigners and chinese have their opinions about this but the fact is every case is different and I think its the judgmental impulse of gossiping chickens to have to create an outcry over it.

As for whether this is the appropriate forum for such posts, I'm not really sure but that seems like the more interesting topic to discuss of what Tonyaod's brought up. Honestly it doesn't bother me, in fact many of those are a huge source of entertainment and nothing more in my mind, but I don't feel strongly one way or another.

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