Anybody know of a kennel service in Kunming? We're looking to board our toy poodle for a few days while we're out of town.
Anybody know of a kennel service in Kunming? We're looking to board our toy poodle for a few days while we're out of town.
The top listing supposedly has a kennel and the bottom one is a vet, who may know where to find a kennel.
Let us know if you find a good place.
Hi Damiao
there's lots of pet stores in Kunming, one is on the 121 street, near west station, 龙翔宠物门诊. for other imformation drop a email to me or cell 13354949490
such kennels often just put them in cage, sure feed them.
if you can not find such a store, or not content with their service, I could help to take care of your dog for a few days, I have a Beijing dog too. I'll leave Kunming on 11th, Feb for Chinese new year holiday(I will sure take my dog with me) . so, be sure the time slot is right.