
Mouse/rat traps

DanTheMan (620 posts) • 0

Does anybody know a place near WLJ where I can purchase rat traps? I've never noticed them before, but now my house seems to have a small-scale infestation. Humane options will not be entertained; I want 'em dead!

sanyiseul (104 posts) • 0

If your traps dont work ( rats are sometimes kind of clever...) call the "Kunming Pangmao Biological Engeneering Company" : 5145000 or 5149000

or check www.pangmao88.com

I used them before and they get rid of everything!

Tiger (66 posts) • 0

A friend brought some poisoned rice grains from Chengdu - you'd not want to leave them around (dangerous) but if they're available in Kunming, they'll work a treat. Rats just sit and laugh at traps but, for some great reason they love this rice. Rats dying everywhere instantly!

You can bet that they're not available in Wallmart.

BTW, I question the use of "small-scale". ;-)

hedgepig (273 posts) • 0

that pangmao (fat cat) website is err, different. the wacky cat-exterminator graphic is the winner, but "Copying Right 2008-2010" tickled me too

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