
Salsa dancing in Kunming?

kahokey (19 posts) • 0

Glad to hear the positive responses! I agree it's a small floor but they will move tables aside and maybe off the floor (some tables look extremely big and heavy and may not be movable). Wednesdays should be less crowded and give us more space. I'll check with Mark about starting lessons at 8PM and then dancing from 9PM-11PM or later since it is a weekday. If things work out well, we can have another gathering soon and go even later.

TheHump (4 posts) • 0

Great! We'll put the tables outside. No problem. Tequila will be 10Y all night. And bring your favourite song too if you want.

kahokey (19 posts) • 0

Thanks Mark!

Any followers (ladies) with any dance experience? Salsa preferred but even if it's another form such as ballroom or swing, I could use a partner to help with the lesson. Please come by at 7:30PM so we can go over a few things.

Salsa Angel (1 post) • 0

I will be in Kunming July 7th. Wish i can meet up some salsa lovers there. This is my website: www.hksalsaangels.com

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