
Vibrator/sex toys

Kiwi3 (61 posts) • 0

Have seen a couple of sex goods shops around in north Kunming, presume there are shops all over the place however. Look for the characters 人成产品

Tomcat (21 posts) • 0

The advertisement of such shops should be 成人用品, the Chinese name for vibrator is 振荡器

lustyducky (4 posts) • 0

Thank you so much, you've both been a great help. Will show a taxi driver the characters and hope he's not the bashful type!

tanfei (25 posts) • 0

For vibrator I think 振动器 would be more appropriate. That or the more colloquial 按摩棒.

lustyducky (4 posts) • 0

And it was just as you said! My dear, darling husband headed north on his bicycle this afternoon, and after not a terribly long time came across the characters you had posted. First shop was apparently rather sleazy and mainly geared towards impotent men, but the second shop was run by a kind, motherly, middle-aged woman who was able to provide him with the coveted vibrator. It's the cutest little pink egg that wiggles and vibrates very promisingly, I (we!) are deeply grateful. Thanks again!

onomatopoeiaaah (51 posts) • 0

Oh Jesus spare us the details please. Why would anyone have the slightest interest in your pink wiggly sex toys? Why not give it a whirl and get back to us with the verdict? Post some pics maybe? Set up a web-cam?

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