
Fulbright Scholarships & NGOs in Yunnan

Daphne (1 post) • 0

I am applying for a Fulbright scholarship this fall, and am looking for information on Kunming NGOs.... any information would be great!

please contact Daphne at


MaryO (2 posts) • 0

I am an American student applying for a Fulbright scholarship this fall. I am looking a professor to sponsor me at a Yunnan university who is interested in environment-related subjects. Does anyone know how i can go about finding a professor who might be willing to advise me on this or who can point me in the right direction?
Please contact mboloughlin@gmail.com

zlif23 (159 posts) • 0

you may contact with dr. duan, Ecologyfield@hotmail.com


通讯地址:650091 云南省昆明市翠湖北路52号云南大学生命科学学院

电话/传真: (0871)5032753

电子函件 (E-mail): Ecologyfield@hotmail.com

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