
New forum for expats in Kunming

inkunming (6 posts) • 0

Hi chris,

I'm sorry, I don't understand what do you want me to define ? Can you quote the text you want explanations from me ?

tahoe (11 posts) • 0

Dear Mr. "inkunming"...
Welcome. We have a wonderful group of foreigners,. both long-term and students, who live in Kunming and Yunnan and we really pride ourselves in being "open", curious, and anxious to discuss all kinds topics and ideas. However, I think I agree with Chris in asking the question "here" in relation to you and your forum. How long have you lived in Kunming or Yunnan or China. Where is "here" or more specifically where are you located in Kunming or are you running this site from somewhere other than Kunming or Yunnan. Do you have an office? How can we meet you and other people involved in designing this forum? If you are located in Kunming or Yunnan who built and designed this new forum? In other words, it's nice to have a little personal information, well, information in general, as to the background and experiences of the person or people who set up websites and new forums such as yours.

One of the reasons Gokunming is such an excellant site and the reason many of us use it (and believe me, there have been plenty of other attempts at forums and websites similar to Gokunming that have started and failed over the past 6 years I have lived here) is because we know the people who put this site together and how they operate. We know them to be thorough and fair. They have gained our respect and we trust them.

So that's why I'm asking my questions and I think perhaps that is what Chris meant when he asked you to explain a little about what "here" means.

jimsc (9 posts) • 0

Wow, way to display your insecurity, tahoe and Chris. You're big, bad Gokunming.com, and as you say you've seen competitors come and go, take up the sword and be slain just as quickly. So another piddly new forum crops up and you guys crap your pants and put on your KGB helmets.

Well, I say viva la free market. Let inkunming try to compete. They shouldn't have to clear anything with you to make such an attempt. Besides, what are you so worried about?

Maybe inkunming is looking for a buyout. The bastards....

Onobaron (11 posts) • 0


I too have watched websites come and go in my 5+ years in Yunnan, and let me tell you, I HIGHLY DOUBT that fear is gripping the folks in the gokunming office. Also consider, if the gokunming office is so terrified by a skeletal forum with little to no content, why are they allowing this forum to basically advertise for free through their own forums? If sophomoric accomplishments were not the norm in Kunming, perhaps there would be more concern from the gokunming team.

Also, do not forget the consistent posts that make gokunming the staple it is. Very few foreigners here have the skill-set or knowledge of Kunming, Yunnan, or China in general to provide this type of service to the foreign community. At best, "inkunming" will only prove once again the benchmark of quality and professionalism that gokunming has created.

Chingis (242 posts) • 0

You're dead wrong Onobaron. I have seen both the main protagonists, and it appears clear to me that the threat of a new forum has driven them both to drink...

Onobaron (11 posts) • 0

Actually Chingis,

You're wrong. Neither protagonist needed a "threat" to induce drinking. The countless hours of work has already served this purpose for years.

LaoNaiYangYu (27 posts) • 0

In most areas of business a bit of competition is a good thing. But in a forum whose readership is necessarily limited to a few thousand English speakers in Yunnan, competition will not help. One good forum with everything in one place is far better than two bad ones where everything is diluted.
I don't know any of the people who work for GoKunming and I have no axe to grind, but GoKunming have provided an excellent service during my three years here in Kunming and I'll be sticking with them.
And credit to them for not removing this thread, although I really wouldn't mind if they did remove it. You don't see advertisements for KFC in the windows of McDonalds.
Thanks to GoKunming for your excellent service and hard work.

bucko (695 posts) • 0

Ahhh LaoNaiYangYu! Spoken like s true Chinese. Ban the new forum from Go Kunming. Let's not talk about something new in the forum scene. Keep the status quo.

Is your job going to be herder now having to monitor TWO forums for the govt internet police?
2,5 25, etc forums in Kunming. So what! It's called free speech.....oops, I guess I shouldn't have said that!

LaoNaiYangYu (27 posts) • 0

bucko - what's the point in having any forums if you spout off about someone without actually reading what they have written? I said "credit to them for not removing this thread" and "I have no axe to grind".
Free speech is about expressing your own opinions, but deliberately misrepresenting someone else's as you have tried to do with mine is just dishonest. If you want two forums, fine, just say so without saying daft things about others.

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