I arrived on a 90 day visa, and I'm 60 days in to it. I'm looking for either a renewal/extension or a brand new visa. I understand that after 90 days the options are limited. I can no longer go to the visa place near the PSB to renew beyond the 3 months.
Do I really need to go out of country and reapply for another tourist visa?
I have heard that tourist visas can be extended in 3 month chunks (turning my 3 month into a 6 month) if you find the right visa company. Anyone have any personal experience with some in the area?
What about suggestions on any alternative methods I should be thinking about?
thanks in advance to all of you -
i have very professional experience in visa area,but i need check your passport and the visa which you have right now then i can give some useful suggeations
email:txdyunnan@yahoo.com.cn cantact me if you need help
I am also in this situation, has anyone successfully gone through this process? Could anyone share their experiences? It would be great to hear what has worked for other people and what hasn't.
There is a reason you can't normally extend tourist visas again and again. I assume you work here illegally so I suggest you get a work visa or at least enroll in one of the many cheap languague programs that will entitle you to a student visa. You still need to go abroad for a couple of days to get either one though. Hong Kong seems to be a popular option.
The rules are there for a reason remember and they aren't totally unfair if you take a close look at them. One more thing: If you work here illegally you have no rights what so ever regarding pay or the commitment from your school's side (although it gets only slightly better if you have your papers in order).
Thank you, Danmairen. I am aware that rules are in place for a reason. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, my question was on how to get around them. The options you have listed are not immediate options for me.
My L visa will run out before I am able to get an X visa, if I were to choose that route. I have been unable to find a job which will provide a Z visa.
Any other suggestions are welcome.
I'v not done so myself, but I know many westerners take a trip to HongKong or down to Laos or Thailand and apply for a new visa. From what I have heard, its no problem.
You can extend your visa 3 times in Kunming. Every time you will get one more month. After that you can go to HK or take the (40 hour) bus to Vientiane, Laos and apply for a new 90 days tourist Visa. I'm also looking for a work visa, and before I just did like this. It's doable, you can stay in China for half a year and then go out for about a week or so. Neighboring countries are also fun, so see it as a holiday :-)
Wait....Are we seeing the beginnings of an illegal immigration problem in China? Wow, foreigners breaking visa rules to illegally work in China? Imagine that. What has the world come to?
Yes, you really do need to go out of the country to get another visa.
You can extend for one month at a time after that, but only three times. At that point you without a doubt must leave the country to obtain another tourist visa and begin the process again, but don't bet on doing this more than twice.
Either that or find a job.
China is the host, you are a guest. Follow the laws. If you don't, you bring hassle to all of us who do our best to find legitimate ways of enjoying life here. If you haven't found a party willing to sponsor you for a Z visa, you either don't have the requisite skills or aren't really trying. I mean no offense: the latter is more likely the case. Plenty of people come here on 3 month tourist visas and find work in time. I think it's the most common way of finding work. Scour the city for legitimate sponsors - there's no lack of them!!!
Best of luck working it out!