Whats the word on the street for halloween?
Seems a bit random that Uprock are doubling up their Halloween parties on friday AND saturday. Anyone got any ideas which is going to be the most popular night?
Or is the speakeasy going to live up to its old reputation for halloween like back in the good old days when there was nowhere else....
yeah i'm going to be cooking jiao zi all day friday and wont have time to get my costume ready!
it would be better if uprock hosted the bands on friday night, a nice dirty post work drinking event, hangover saturday we can all sit at home cutting out bits of cardboard and cloth to staple to or foreheads, take some "painkillers" and head on down to look how stupid everyone else has managed to make themselves look.
you'd 'a thought so wouldn't you..... but alas uprock have different plans.....
it is a bit crazy hosting two parties, everyone is ringing around confused....
so here is our battleplan:
friday - uprock, half-arsed costume
saturday - speakeasy first, then uprock... best constume (win both)
so let's make saturday the big one. it is halloween after all.
ps - who has a smoldering iron?
unless speak is pumping on saturday, then no migration to uprock!
sounds like a plan to me... after all saturday IS halloween and speakeasy IS halloween... who can argue with history?
If Speakeasy gets as hot and crowded as last year I wouldn't recommend crawling into a giant teddy. Good fun though.