Our band, The Tribal Moons have been involved in planning the Saturday October 31st Halloween Night Costume & Dance Paty Extravaganza at Uprock for a long time.
This Halloween night in Kunming we wanted a large space and a good club for dancing to live music and DJs. As the agenda was originally planned, with Halloween falling on a Saturday this year, we wanted to get things going early to allow bands and people to be outside as well as inside from late afternoon on Halloween day until the sun comes up the following morning.
Those plans have been changed but the first band will go on at 7:30 pm. and live music will continue until 1:30 or 2am. when the DJs will take over.
Tell everyone about the 7:30pm starting time as the Halloween festivites are getting underway about the time the sun goes down. You don't have to wait until late to get going thsi year!
A complete schedule of bands and activities and times will be posted next week. You also won't have to wait around all night to see who wins the prizes!
This is not a "concert" as was previously stated.
It will be an excitng night of dancing and partying featuring a variety of bands and styles of music. Prizes will be awarded to those in "the best" costumes.
Word has been circulating around Kunming and Yunnan that there will be surprise games and special events.
The Tribal Moons & friends & Uprock want to welcome you to this year's October 31st Halloween Dance and Costume Extravaganza! Get ready!
Cover charge is 20 yuan and will be collected from the start until the party's over. Everyone pays, but it will be well worth the price!