
小矮人王国 - Kingdom of the Dwarfs

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

Alien, when your prejudices, biases, preconceptions, mind reading is removed the facts are clear.

Both NBA players and dwarfs are performer. They incorporate their distinctive physical attributes and skills sets for onlookers that pay to watch their performances.

Both groups perform according to instructions from those who control them economically in a manner that panders to the expectations of those that control them economically. That is called working at a job. Very few people can afford not to perform when, where and how the employer dictates or expects.

You characterize NBA players as "sportsman" while suggesting dwarfs are victims of malicious exploiters. Would this perception melt away if both groups were paid the same? What if dwarf performers earned ten million RMB a year? Would your humanist concerns disappear?

It would seem you have no interest in the needs and feelings of the performing dwarfs. You impose your privileged perspective on them without regard to the situation they must, without choice, live with. A few hundred people work and perform in community, housed and fed, without your help. Why do you wish to deprive them of this? With your help, and your own prejudices, biases, and preconceptions, you would prohibit dwarfs from employment as performers. The result would most likely be the current dwarf performers being cast out of their homes and being reduced to begging.

You have clearly never experienced the Kingdom of the Dwarfs, nor the Minority Village, and have conjured, from supposition, bias, prejudice, weird altruism, and your mind's vision, of a decadent dehumanizing exploitation. Your conclusions are from your imagination. Your solutions would hurt the folks you think you care about.

gbtexdoc (218 posts) • 0

Plea to GoKunming editorial staff:

The continuing robust health of this thread (almost 4 years) demonstrates an interest in and curiosity about this topic from a segment of your loyal readers.

Please dispatch a couple of your ace investigative reporters (on their bicycles) to the Dwarf Kingdom and give us a real-time update.

A Pulitzer awaits.

misfit (113 posts) • 0

Alien, I actually agree with geezer.
Short guys who decide to quit school to become good jockeys, good motorbike riders or good performers have exactly the same respect from me. As far as they all work hard to develop a skill, the fact that the so-called "normal society" laugh only at the last one i just irrelevant. It is actually a mirror of how majority of people are not able to recognize talent where it is expressed in an unusual form.

misfit (113 posts) • 0

Geezer, the day one of those guys will earn 10 million rmb a year might not be that far. Imagine a visionary movie director who decides to make a movie series about the life in the village....

Chicha78 (51 posts) • 0

Did anyone see that original Twilight Zone episode 'The Eye of the Beholder'?

I think that disabled people should be a part of the society and in a harshly cruel society dominated by population such as China, if they can work in a theme park vs. begging, then maybe that is ok for now, until the society sees that these people are just as intellectually capable as the rest of us. We are waiting for the Chinese development on non-monetary issues such as moral standards but I do not feel it has the same focus as GDP. What about Gross Domestic Happiness? I would say this place is bankrupt cv., 15 years ago.

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