
Great Firewall may be doing you whingeing Facebook users a favor

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

I'm not quite sure where you are going with this Quam. But as seeing you've just recently created your account and the highly politicized and biased nature of your first posting, I do not put too much stock into what you have to say.

I believe most of us quite enjoy the apolitical nature of our environment. While I'm sure everyone has a political opinion of what's happening back at home, I think most are polite enough not the bring it up....my point, I don't know, it's late into the night and my brain isn't working so good.

I guess what I'm trying to say is good luck trying to get this group all riled up politically as I don't think too many people will be interested in it.

QuamCredo (2 posts) • 0

No politics, riling or bias intended, apologies.
Just a tongue-in-cheek heads-up for y'all Facebook users. If I used Facebook, I'd definitely want to know the content of those two reports, though it wouldn't likely change anything about how I use FB.
But I could see how someone who goes to FNC for news could take offense to the post, even if the second report is obviously on their side.

@NateKoppel - what did I misspell? Not that I'm surprised, Spellcheck has just about obliterated what hold on spelling I ever had...;)

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Hey Quam,

Sorry for being paranoid, staying up late with a hangover will do that you ya. It takes a while to get used a newbie's sarcasm since there's no visual cues to hint at sarcasm. I had thought that it was one of those poster with an agenda that goes around plastering every bbs forum they can get their hands on.

If you are new to Kunming as well as new to GoKunming, enjoy the new digs, and remember "thanks for all the fish!"

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