
Other places in China?

kunming_curious (1 post) • 0

Can anyone recommend other places to live in China? Kunming is great but I've been here a while and I'm looking for something new.

I'm interested in Harbin (yes, I know it gets cold) Hangzhou and Nanjing. I want to go somewhere to teach English and save money so high salaries and low cost of living required. Not so bothered about Beijing and Shanghai.

If anyone has lived in the above places or can give any advice it would be much appreciated.


hedgepig (273 posts) • 0

i visited Harbin one winter. bloody cold, but definitely manageable. one less-than-obvious consequence of the cold weather is that the local diet is quite stodgy/fatty. good russian stews and stuff though.

i'd give Xiamen a look. i only passed through, but i got a good vibe from the place. Nanjing is pretty cool too. Not so sure about Hangzhou - bit of a tourist town, imo.

ekoorbr (50 posts) • 0

Having lived in DongBei for a while (though not in Harbin), I want to second hedgepig's comments on the food. You'll find nothing even close to the veggie selection of Kunming. In winter you'll be limited to potatoes, bai cai, turnips, and maybe cabbage. At supermarkets you might be able to find a bit more, at exorbitant prices. The summer is better, but still lacking.

Anyway, for me, the food was the single biggest problem about living there. Otherwise it's not bad. A bit too humid in summer, but tolerable.

taejonwill (38 posts) • 0

I just moved to Wen Shan. Clean air, nice people, nice weather. I think they are nice places to live in Yunnan outside of Kunming. I just depends on what you want. I got tired of the bigness of Kunming and wanted a change of pace.

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