
Panlongjiang - what is it like?

belle (19 posts) • 0

My family and I are looking at different areas of Kunming, and wondered if anyone can tell me generally what sort of area Panlongjiang is?

Is it quite industrial or fairly quiet? Is it safe generally, or not so? (By Kunming standards! I know Kunming is a safe city in general). Would it be a nice enough place for a family to live?

Any advice welcome!

hedgepig (273 posts) • 0

the panlong jiang is a river (盘龙江 coiled dragon river). it runs partly through panlong district, one of kunming's four urban districts. i was a little unclear which you were referring to.

the river runs through a variety of areas before it empties into dianchi (lake). there are nice places in the northern part of kunming by the river. just south of Jinse Dadao, there are new-build apartments that have green space etc that would suit a family. also, it's fairly near to amenities such as supermarkets, hospitals and such.

belle (19 posts) • 0

Thanks. We're looking around Beijing Lu, not far from the train station. Good to know about the amenities. Just hard to picture the area... google earth just makes it look grey and busy! Thanks though.

Greginchina (239 posts) • 0

Not sure I'd recommend being near the train station. Transport hubs are usually among the worst parts of any city in the world and Kunming is no exception.

If you meant Panlong district rather than Panlong River then it is a fairly large central district (only a small part of which is would be near the train station).

cricketbird (8 posts) • 0

I spent the summer living in Jiang Dong Hua Yuan, a few stops north of the train station along Beijing Lu. There' s a large beautiful park (bigger than Green Lake, I think) just west of there. Metro and Walmart are nearby, and there are several of the farmer's markets around. There are many bus lines up and down Beijing Lu that will get you to most places in Kunming easily. I enjoyed that part of town and will probably try to live there again next year when I return.

Greginchina (239 posts) • 0


do you know which train station? the one cricketbird is referring to is the north station. actually not a bad area.

I assumed you meant the main one on south of beijing lu.

belle (19 posts) • 0

I meant the North train station. On Beijing Lu, around Lianmeng Lu, which is close to - but not next to - the North train station I believe.

Sounds like the area will probably be fine... thanks heaps!

piers (144 posts) • 0

Sounds like the area around 世纪俊园. There's a Carrefour just up the road with the usual add-on amenities (KFC, Pizza Hut, Watsons etc). Good transport links by bus to most of the city. Furniture stores right on Lian Meng Lu. Kitchen market is 10 mins walk. It's convenient for getting to wenlin jie area as well as the north (c. 10-15 mins for both).

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