Anyone out there who has either a board game group or roleplay group I could join?
If not, anyone up for making some?
Mainly thinking about Axis and Allies and Dungeons and Dragons 3.5..
Anyone out there who has either a board game group or roleplay group I could join?
If not, anyone up for making some?
Mainly thinking about Axis and Allies and Dungeons and Dragons 3.5..
Have you been to the Game Bar near Chapter One? I think the owner said he might be interested in something like that. I don't have a lot of time, but would like to do something like that on weekends.
It's really cool you should think of that! The most complicated (?) board game I've played so far is Scrabble... However I've always wondered about DND, as a fan of fantasy novels and stuff.
I agree the Game Club should be about the right place to look.
Uh, I just noticed the previous poster said Chapter One not Game Club... In case you wonder, it's a little cafe where you have access to 60+ games and drinks... owned by a French guy named Daniel Guillaume - it's located right opposite Teresa's (not the new one opposite the school!) on Wenlin Jie
Sweet! 2 fellow nerds! Three's a charm, but Axis is ideal with 5, normally. Can be played with 3, though. If the Game Club has 60 plus games, I'll bet a rat for a tiger he has Axis'n Allies.
For DnD, anyone who either has the core books, or knows how to get them? We'd need a dungeonmaster.. I've never tried DM-ing, but if there are no one else who's tried it already, I might just as well give it a go. Of course, I need DM handbook and Monster Manual..
i'd only join to play chess or blackjack.
May be interested in joining a DnD group depending on the timing. I haven't played since 2nd edition though. I did DM back in the day, but not sure if I could pull it off now. Up for Axis and Allies though I've never played. I think you'd have to get the books imported/order online as I've never seem them available in Asia.
They don't have Axis and Allies. The best game they have there is Arkham Horror, based on H.P. Lovecraft's stuff. I've played one half-game only. You need a whole day to play it. My girlfriend has been wanting to try that game out as well. But I think World of Warcraft has warped her mind too much to play D&D. I am sure some older rulebooks must be available online.
I have Risk, Monopoly, Clue, and Axis and Allies.
We have a few people that are usually willing to play, as A&A games can take up to ten hours to finish at times.
If anyone is interested in playing let me know.
TimKunming: Count me in on Risk, Monopoly and Axis! This Clue game is new to me, but if you say it's fun, of course I'm willing to give it a try. Mail me at
Lummerlaoshi: If you did DM-ing back in 2th ed, I vote for you as DM. 3.5 is somewhat different, though, but game mechanics is'nt not too complicated.
The very same day we get a good DnD gaming group (DM + min 3 players) I'll order the books.
You in, Neverwinter?