Hey guys,
I want to print a PDF document, its around 100 pages in colour. I live near Beichen area.
Does anyone know a god place to go and get it printed? I read older threads talking about services on taobao that will do it but I couldn't find anything (my Chinese is also terrible).
Thanks in advance
There are printing shops all over. The best and cheapest are around universities. On 121 da jie opposite Yunda fu zhong there are several. Just walk in and ask them. Sorry don't know about Beichen.
I think almost any print shop should be able to handle that nowadays. There is at least one in every district. Some of the places look grotty on the inside, but they spend the money on machines, not decor.
Getting them to do what you want is easy. I wanted something done that was more complicated. By pointing, using my poor Chinese and using a translation app on my phone, we got it done.
Use any translation app to print out a note of what you want done. Avoid modal verbs, just keep it to simple instructions.
E.G. Print this in color, A4, all pages, one copy. How much money?
Take your document in on a memory stick. They will do the rest.
If they are trying to ask you things, give them your phone with a translation app open, they should know you want them to use the app.
Ok, thanks guys. I'll try around the University up here.
A little off topic, but what translation apps to folk recommend for everyday use like this (ideally free or cheap)?
I use translate.google.cn on my laptop.
Google translate app on my phone, not blocked and it has character recognition that works through the camera.
I also use Pleco app on the phone. All free and accessible.
WeChat has a build in translator as well. Easy for translating screenshots on your phone and translating any text you can make a photo off.
The Baidu Fanyi app has worked well for me. It has speech and character recognition as well as object recognition -- i.e., take a picture of an object and it will tell you the Chinese word for it. Plus the chances of it getting blocked are low...