
Visa without Huzzle?

martin4privat (3 posts) • 0

I am German National, residing in Thailand. I would like to spend some ( unlimited ? ) Time in Kunming! Is this possible? on what kind of Visa? If not possible : what are my Options?
Thanks and Cheers

Hobomoo (4 posts) • -1

From what I understand, a student visa would be best. You should go to class to get it renewed, but my roommate would often skip. You can keep renewing every 6 months as long as you want. I know someone who was on a student visa for 12 years

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

I know of several students who did not get their student visa renewed. One person only skipped class twice. This was three years ago, I do not know the current enforcement situation.

john-doe1983 (70 posts) • +4

@Hobomoo I do not think advocating for fraud is a good way to go! When people do things like obtaining visa's illegally or fraudulently (obtaining a student visa without attending classes), or working on the wrong type of visa actually hurts the rest of us as the government makes it harder for people to obtain visa's.

john-doe1983 (70 posts) • 0


According to urban dictionary

V. To hug and nuzzle
N. The act of simultaneously hugging and nuzzling someone.

lemon lover (1006 posts) • +1

Martin4privat in an other thread wants to buy a small business in Kunming. See:
This means a student visa is out of the question.
You will need a proper working visa and those depend on registered capital of your company and things like that.

tigertigerathome (172 posts) • +2

@martin4privat. It would be legal to get a tourist visa (3 months) then leave China, and reapply for another tourist visa (3 months), until such a time as the Chinese stopped giving you visas. It might be possible to get the visa in Thailand each time.
However, it would only be legal if you are just visiting, and not engaged in activities that required a different visa. I see in another post that you are looking to buy a business. That requires more paperwork in China. The days when one could start or buy a small business and 'fly under the radar' are pretty much over.

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