
The Impossible Burger is coming to China...

dolphin (509 posts) • -3
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There is a link in the news wire. And I totally agree with the title "Frankenburger" .... which is what the Impossible Burger is.

Please boycott this crap.

And don't be fooled by the slick western media and all the fake reasons you should consume this over real meat.

For those who don't like the idea of eating real meat. Well, cows and pigs and chickens wouldn't exist if they weren't meant to be consumed as food. That's their duty to mankind.

Also, these burgers are very unhealthy.

And not to mention it's dangerous for scientists to control the food supply. We need real farmers preparing real food.

bucko (696 posts) • +1

I tasted this one in the US last month. Had to spit it out in my napkin. Disgusting.

Also in China, BK will substitute this with God knows what.

Ishmael (462 posts) • 0

I'd prefer a good burger made with good ground beef a la americaine (not McDonald's etc., obviously), neither too dry and overcooked nor mushy. Hard to find in Kunming, altho it's not rocket science.

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • -1

Giving up meat is a good thing and the state of burgers in Kunming is incentive to do it.

dolphin (509 posts) • -8
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> Giving up meat is a good thing

westerners are more brainwashed in that mindset because the western media rags are good at brainwashing people.

lemon lover (1006 posts) • +2

“western media rags are good at brainwashing people” said the man who beliefs dinosaurs are made of ground up chicken bones.

dolphin (509 posts) • -9
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where there is more media pushing this stuff, there is more consumption.

and people blindly trust authority. which is not a good thing. that's all i'm gonna say about that.

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