
Carrefour Giving Up On China

l4dybug (89 posts) • -1

To some, perceived bigly words become blah blah. Someone ought to consider running for office. Very POTUS material.

vicar (817 posts) • -1

Gullible people vote for peeps like Obama and Theresa with zero gumption. They just love a posh voice as they drown in their own shallowness

l4dybug (89 posts) • -1

Blah blah mar-a-lago club just got bigger. Please stick to what you know. Taobao prognostication and fruits.

vicar (817 posts) • -1

I don't play golf mate. Are you one of those fixated on Trump hate? The elected US president?

l4dybug (89 posts) • -1

Nor the diplomats & dignitaries Donnie invites there. Free publicity for his private establishment. Courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. That's how he plays.

vicar (817 posts) • 0

More blacks, hispanics and asians in work than ever before. A booming economy. Friendly meetings with USAs worst enemies whom preceding presidents were too scared to face. Fact check it! I don't like the guy myself but he is doing an exeptional job under the resistant circumstances. People look up to past leaders like Churchill and Clinton. They make Trump look like a frickin' saint. As we speak, he is the first US president ever to set foot in North Korea.

vicar (817 posts) • -1

Maybe some truths came out but I'm very interested in those truths. If you think it should be a secret then I'd say that's rather suspect. Transparency mate. We the people should know everything

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