Sure let's piss all over the peasants because big business is so trustworthy isn't it? Accountability, sustainability, standards, corporate social responsibility, customer relationship management, diversity, inclusivity, human resources management blah blah blah. Any more buzzwords you'd like to add? And Hangzhou was probably OK several dynasties ago. Now the West Lake is surrounded by supercar dealerships. Progress of a very peculiar kind.
Vendors have everything to lose by sending rotten apples. Competition is based on speed, quality, and quantity.
If you can trust someone enough to send you a decent pizza....why not an egg?
Facts? "blah blah blah"
Accountability?? "blah blah blah"
Wow, somebody sounds just like Trump.
We have had fresh produce delivered. Sometimes, good, sometimes bad. The last one was lychees. They arrived with a chemical preservative in the box, when we had specifically asked if there was chemicals and we were told no. I think the sales person was just ignorant and assumed fresh = fresh.
There has also been produce which was just turning bad, this was at the end of its season. In the local market you can see when stuff is turning.
We have had fantastic pomegranates and avocados (and bad avocados). I think the trick is to know what is in season, and when it is coming to the end of its season.
Personally, I prefer to handle fresh produce before I buy it, and also avoid the surplus use of packaging and plastic bags; but these are personal choices.
Materialism in Ferrari's best selling city along with Suzhou are old news. How the Politburo is cleaning up these infamous cities are not. The current regulatory ins & outs of those cities trickle down to Kunming eventually.
It's not wise to assume buzzwords of 'the big evil corporations' are asinine and irrelevant to us the consumers. The grievances many of us share in this thread and in China generally are due to blatant disregard of those buzzword ordinances you brush off as yada yada.
Yet nor is it wise to blindly subscribe to the altruistic image corporations espouse to customers and shareholders. No secret that Carrefour squeezes the profit margins of local agricultural distributors to the bare minimum. However, due to the competitive challenges of Chinese farming given the limited arable lands and their susceptibility to toxic pollutants..... many cut corners in ways that threaten the health of your loved ones. After all, they have their own to look after. Particularly the "peasant" farmers you try to save.
@tiger, what about mangosteens? One of my favorite fruits.
5 star hotels in Hong Kong import fruit and veg from outskirts of Kunming. Top class stuff, some with European origin.
Someone swallowed a dictionary but failed to digest it.
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