
Apartment location recommendation

Max313 (7 posts) • 0

I'll be moving to the area in July and I'm looking for some neighborhood recommendations. Also any apps for searching would be good also (I'm currently using 58).

I'll be working at Yunda and I'd like to be within 30 minutes walking - looking for a more modern style of apartment.

Thanks for any suggestions!


cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • +2

Off the top of my head here's a few xiaoqu that are pretty decent and not too far from Yunda 云安尚品,yunan shangpin, 版筑翠园,banzhu cuiyuan, 花香十里,huaxiang shili, 阳光果香,yangguang guoxiang, 学府人家,xuefu renjia, 万科学府, wanke xuefu. There'll be quite a few more I'm sure.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • +2

The best thing to do is to find the area you like and in that neighborhood you will find real estate storefront with available apts.

michael2015 (784 posts) • +1

Max - you MAY want to try to search the recent gokunming classifieds - apartments are always being advertised - with and without room-mates.

Welcome to Kunming! The Wuhua location is also known as the Green Lake Campus (that's just what I call it - dunno about others).

Max313 (7 posts) • 0

@michael2015 Thank you for your help (and the welcome!).

I've been checking the listing daily, I've found a couple that were great but too far, or too expensive, or not meeting my requirements. I've since contacted a few agents and will visit to check out several units in some of the recommended areas.

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