
Hijacking the forums

Ishmael (462 posts) • 0

Is this just another chatgroup? No ordinary member of the public, for which gokunming exists, who clicks on to gokunming is ever going to find a (possibly interesting) discussion of Greek women or whatever in a thread entitled Relaxing the Requirements (concerning teaching English in Kunming). It only restricts the usefulness of gokunming forums to the wider world by treating them as some private facebook thing with 'friends' (as defined dishonestly by an overarching program with an obvious agenda of subverting language for its own purposes). No wonder there are so few folks who bother with the forums.

herenow (357 posts) • 0

@Ishmael: You're missing the point. Try to think about what the purpose of that discussion might be.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • +1

Besides that, the occasional off topic here has always been the salt & pepper of this forum.

But not for the control freaks. As Alien cant fullfill his dream to guard a labor camp, at least he can "guard" on gokunming. I bet his wearing green cap with a red star when he logs in. I have earlier advised him to grow carrots as a control therapy, as its advisable to avoid recommending animals - they could end up in his camps.

Let us see photo. I anticipate something between fidel castro and some guy dealing ganja in india.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

There was once a poster who has departed (?), who once put up an amazing, long and totally off topic post. It is a classic. I post it here to remind us of how to hijack a forum thread:

Forums > Living in Kunming > Update your locks

A somewhat philosophical view.

Paroles de Stances Au Un Cambrioleur

- Georges Brassens

Prince des monte-en-l'air et de la cambriole,
Toi qui eus le bon goût de choisir ma maison
Cependant que je colportais mes godrioles
En ton honneur j'ai compose cette chanson
Sache que j'apprécie au sa valeur le geste
Qui te fit bien fermer la porte en repartant
De peur que des rôdeurs n'emportassent le reste
Des voleurs comme il faut c'est rare de ce temps,
Tu ne m'as dérobe que le stricte nécessaire,
Délaissant dédaigneux l'exécrable portrait
Que l'on m'avait offert au mon anniversaire
Quel bon critique d'art mon salaud tu ferais!
Autre signe indiquant toute absence de tare,
Respectueux du brave travailleur tu n'as
Pas cru décent de me priver de ma guitare,
Solidarité sainte de l'artisanat.
Pour toutes ces raisons vois-tu, je te pardonne
Sans arriére pensée après mur examen
Ce que tu m'as vole, mon vieux, je te le donne,
Ça pouvait pas tomber en de meilleures mains.
D'ailleurs mi qui te parle, avec mes chansonnettes,
Si je n'avais pas du rencontrer le succès,
J'aurais tout comme toi, pu virer malhonnête,
Je serais devenu ton complice, qui sait?
En vendant ton butin, prends garde au marchandage,
Ne vas pas tout lâcher en solde au receleurs,
Tiens leur la dragée haute en évoquant l'adage
Qui dit que ces gens-la sont pis que les voleurs.
Fort de ce que je n'ai pas sonne les gendarmes,
Ne te crois pas du tout tenu de revenir,
Ta moindre récidive abolirait le charme,
Laisse moi je t'en prie, sur un bon souvenir.
Monte-en-l'air mon ami, que mon bien te profite,
Que Mercure te préserve de la prison,
Et pas trop de remors, d'ailleurs nous sommes quittes,
Après tout ne te dois-je pas une chanson?

Si le vol est l'art que tu préfères,
Ta seule vocation, ton unique talent,
Prends donc pigeon sur rue, mets-toi dans les affaires,
Et tu auras les flics même comme chalands.
Ge who is without sin....."

dolphin (509 posts) • 0

Is the Earth flat?


Several pre-Socratic philosophers believed that the world was flat: Thales (c. 550 BC) according to several sources,[29] and Leucippus (c. 440 BC) and Democritus (c. 460–370 BC) according to Aristotle.[30][31][32]
Anaximenes of Miletus believed that "the Earth is flat and rides on air; in the same way the Sun and the Moon and the other heavenly bodies, which are all fiery, ride the air because of their flatness."[38] Xenophanes of Colophon (c. 500 BC) thought that the Earth was flat, with its upper side touching the air, and the lower side extending without limit.[39]

East Asia
Further information: Chinese astronomy
In ancient China, the prevailing belief was that the Earth was flat and square, while the heavens were round,[50] an assumption virtually unquestioned until the introduction of European astronomy in the 17th century.[51][52][53] The English sinologist Cullen emphasizes the point that there was no concept of a round Earth in ancient Chinese astronomy:

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