
Internet speed and reliability using VPN

vagabond48 (75 posts) • +1

My wife is visiting her family and was planning to take US college summer semester courses ONLINE. Her mother's 10M internet using ExpressVPN didn't work because it was too slow. She can get 100M (advertised) but can she rely on the internet being up and reasonable fast with VPN for the 3 months semester?

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

I have 200M internet, but when I connect via VPN there is a definite slowdown.

As a matter of fact I often find it is sometimes faster without the VPN since that adds an extra layer of connectivity.

Did she try connecting without VPN??
My daughter took a course via Internet from Kunming to Europe and had no problem connecting without VPN.

I do find speeds vary throughout the day as traffic increases.

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • 0

Just my impression. Internet speeds getting slower and VPNs less effective (disconnecting more often) these last few months. Very annoying. The online course may not be blocked but who knows?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Some Weepns allow you to search for severs and list speeds in descending order. If you are on a busy overseas server that will slow you down. Choose a faster one.

Ishmael (462 posts) • +1

Agree with cloudtrapezer - my impression, but I'm so bloody ignorant and impatient with Internet technology and twinky instructions and processes that I never know what's my fault and what's happening with those who can stand the mind-numbing intricacies of the thing anyway - my tendency is usually to say Aw hell and just use whatever seems to be working, more or less, at the time, and use whatever intelligence I sometimes have to deal with content about the once-'real' world of actual people that I hope to continue to live in rather than to waste it on things like electron mechanics. So, like, I'm no useful reference.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • -1

" and use whatever intelligence I sometimes have to deal with content about the once-'real' world of actual people that I hope to continue to live in rather than to waste it on things like electron mechanics. So like, I'm no useful reference." from the man who spends more time on here making irrlevant comments than anyone else

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • 0

Dazzer, me and Ishmael are old codgers. Give us a break. And relevance is overrated.

Ishmael (462 posts) • 0

My point was to explain that I have the same impression as cloudtrapezer but that my impressions are not to be relied upon and why, which gave me the chance to rant a bit about having to worry about it.

redjon777 (560 posts) • 0

Definitely time makes a big difference in the past few months. Previously anytime you could get a half decent connection with Express but now it's just during the day and the evenings (usually from about 9/10pm) it slows to an unbelievable crawl.

Gave up on using evenings mostly.

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