
International Labor Day

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • 0

There is also another irritating fact about Chinese holidays. The exact dates you are going to get off are kept secret until the very last minute by which time all the cheap flight tickets have been bought up, presumably by the officials who were in on the secret.

JanJal (1246 posts) • -1

@Ishmael: "seems rather odd to find holidays being given with one hand and taken back with the other"

Yeah, well I think it's typical of China under CPC. Giving the impression of something but reality often being something else.

From the constitution to land ownership to PLA and everything in between.

Ishmael (462 posts) • -1

True dat.
Anyway, a bunch of us sang the Internationale in front of the Cantina yesterday evening, aware of differences between ideals and reality.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • -4
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for them wot is a little slow. they still get yer holidays entitlement.
As an example: National Chinese Holiday 2019 three days

1st – 3rd of October (Tue-Thur) are national holidays

Sunday the 29th of Sep. and Saturday 12th of October are declared working days

In return Friday the 4th and Monday the 7th of October are given off

This creates a consecutive holiday of seven days from Tuesday the 1st of October until Monday the 7th of October.

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • -2

So three days holiday not seven, or even five. What's your point exactly?

Ishmael (462 posts) • -1

Of course it is still only international, not global - in Canada and the US (US for the obvious reason that May 1 1886 was the killing of workers demonstrating for an 8-hour work day in serious street fighting in the Haymarket area of Chicago, which fixed the date internationally and which many Americans STILL don't know about), and in a very few other places too it's been nationalized, with Labor Days assigned different dates. And then of course there's the tradition of Spring planting, social role reversals, fondness for alcohol and the Maypole thing in some western countries to confuse issues... but hey! there's nothing wrong with Spring either. Or beer. And you can work more than 8 hours a day if you like - indeed, you may need to.

Geezer (1953 posts) • -1

Actually, the Haymarket riot occurred on May 4, 1886 after someone threw a bomb at police. Seven police officers were killed. Both the police and the demonstrators began shooting. "Killing of workers" is typical phrasing for singers of the Internationale.

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • 0

it began as a peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour work day, the day after police killed eight workers.

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