
kundu stabbing?

kunming tiger (28 posts) • 0

I agree with most of the stuff posted on this thread about the incident in Kundu; It's unusual that completely random violence against foreigers occurs for no obvious reason. Usually there are signs of trouble brewing before it actually reaches a point of escalation so it's best to recognize those signs and take the neccessary evasive action which is harder to do than it sounds due to the fact that introxication plays a major role in these incidents. Bottom line is if you see trouble then avoid it full stop. One last thing never get into an argument with someone no matter what the issue unless you're prepared to get into a fight over the very same thing. If you can't or don't want to fight then walk off and if you can fight then there's no point wasting time arguing in the first place but it's rarely that simple because it usually involves groups pf people not individuals.

In all the years I've been going there the worst thing that happened to me was somebody intentionally barging into me when I was dancing with a local girl and she later explained that it was because some of them don;t like foreigners and chinese girls together dancing together although it didn't bother me much then and i've been back there many times since usually with large groups of Chinese friends they will steer clear of you then but it's a small minority of people we are talking about here as usual.

bucko (696 posts) • 0

Right on treebeard. I agree totally. Kundu is an accident waiting to happen. I wouldn't go there again on a bet. Took me 10 minutes on my first visit to figure out the scene there and it is not a place foreigners should frequent. I have gained a lot of travel experience through the years, and places like Kundu exist in every city in the world. Take a lesson from this and know how to spot these places anywhere. You will live a lot longer.
Fact is as the Chinese get drunker in these types of places, the bigger the targets on foreigners heads get. Doesn't matter about YOUR attitude, sooner or later you will find yourself in the middle of some bad s#*t.

Face it, there are more locals here that don't like foreigners than you may think. Just because "I never see trouble like this", has nothing to do with the real risk involved. Wise up!

Xiefei (539 posts) • 0

I'd like to echo Danmairen in that there's really no point in turning this into some "us v them" thing. That gets us nowhere. The line I draw between "us" and "them" has nothing do do with being foreign or Chinese, as there are plenty of Chinese people I identify more with than some of the foreign morons I see running around Kunming.

The incident at Kundu is a shame. My condolences to family and friends.

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