
where to buy apple computer screwdrivers...

newlaowai (20 posts) • 0


I'm looking for a place that i can buy the apple screwdrivers (pentalobe and torx type), preferable some place in the north of kunming.

Any ideas?

debaser (647 posts) • 0

Try the small hardware shops on almost every street if you'd prefer to buy from B&M stores. There are a few near the junction in the middle of Beichen zhong lu. They are easier to get on Taobao and no doubt cheaper for the same or better quality. I got a small set online for less than 10rmb delivered.

DanTheMan (620 posts) • 0

If you don't have any luck in north, there is an electronics mall and a gazillion street level repair shops on Yuantong Bei Lu between 121 Street and Yuanxi Lu. Should be able to track down whatever you need quite quickly.

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