Hey. I don’t speak chinese and I find it hard to meet people here that speaks english. I’m looking for a boyfriend and I wonder if there are events for us to meet people?
Hey. I don’t speak chinese and I find it hard to meet people here that speaks english. I’m looking for a boyfriend and I wonder if there are events for us to meet people?
I am not aware of singles events, if that is what you mean. There is quite an active expat scene around the bars and restaurants around Yunnan U (downtown campus) and Hongta Dong Lu, and JianShi Lu. Not everyone goes out to get drunk.
There are also the classified ads on here. Which are also used for LGBT contacts.
I am not aware of any APPs or dating sites you could plug into that cater to non-Chinese speakers as well as locals. Someone else might.
You can try joining the Flying Tigers rugby club with the young owners of O'Reilly's Irish Pubs. =)
On a serious note Ash, many of us share your sentiment. It's difficult as a single woman in China, let alone non-Chinese speaking.
Our community wish you well and the best of luck!
There are other groups that are starting to get together. Like the book club, keep an eye out on GoK, someone was also trying to start a creative writing group. I don't know the gender mix of any of these groups. But if you are a woman, and the only one, that might work in your favor.
Also watch out for events at places like TGC Nordica. It is kind of an arts cafe. If you are religious, try church.
I think the best way should be to organize a “single meeting” for english speaker and local chinese english speakers. It could be good for both.
Many western men are going MGTOW(Men going their own way). So if you're looking for a serious relationship keep that in mind. Search Youtube to understand the movement.
I don't notice any lack of singles at the places I go, and I do notice a variety of languages, including English. Not sure what kind of 'events' might be necessary.
not trying to be funny, but in the pc era, i dint even include metoo, it can all be too much effort, when it should be easy. i wouldnt go as far as mgtow, which can get a bit nasty. but i can understand not wanting to put up with being troubled. why venture risk when there are so many people ready to bust your nads.
if you are a girl looking to date, remember the rules here are not the same. the same if true for men. the rules int the same. not just among locals but also among expats. both sides are not bound by the same conventions.
"not trying to be funny but"
Does this means you want to trying to be funny guy after you say this?
Ashley is a girl's name.