
GoKunming feedback...

Dazzer (2813 posts) • +4

agree with cloudtrapeezer, rare. unless it is new policy affecting expats, then discussion on here is outside scope of gokunming. can serve no useful purpose, but potentially draw negative attentions from outside. if you think gokunming and all other forums are not being watched think again

Napoleon (1187 posts) • -6
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This summer I couldn't get on Go Kunming while back home. It's fine now but obviously the powers that be considered GoKunming to possibly be influencial to our elections. Although it could well have been many other reasons.

You'll be happy to know you're in the clear now though as I was able to get on just before my return.

herenow (357 posts) • -2

Ah, you naively accept his claim of national origin. You must go back, Grasshopper, and study the writings of Brother Dudesons, in which it is demonstrated at length that Napoleon is NOT from Zimbabwe!

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +2

For some of the big events, it would be useful to have some 'push' advanced notice.

For example the international sports events, that involve road closures, and also those that have a major impact on transportation; as well as being of interest to a wider audience.
Trawling through the Gokunming calendar, day by day, is not really something most people would do. I have just tried and it is time consuming and hard on the brain with the grid layout.
A monthly overview/preview article or notice might make things easier, and this could be an (business) opportunity to do an advertorial for the month ahead.

herenow (357 posts) • -1

@bilingualexpat: It was a joke. You remembered Napoleon, so I figured you would also remember the Napoleon-Dudesons-Zimbabwe saga on these forums and get the humor. Never mind...

alienew (422 posts) • -3
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gokunming, what are the thumbs up/thumbs down supposed to be for - total agreement/total disagreement with the speaker? It would seem to me that a mere statement of disagreement, by thumbs-down, doesn't contribute much to any discussion and that the person who disagrees should make a minimal effort to explain why, otherwise he/she isn't really contributing much to the discussion.
Alternatively, a thumbs down might just mean 'You're off the topic'.

alienew (422 posts) • -1

@tiger: OK, you may be right, but there are 2 thumbs-down on my last post - what is this supposed to mean, to me or to anybody else - that I shouldn't be asking gokunming this question?

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