
Beware neo-nazi pornography laowei

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +2

@alien. I agree to a point, but Chinese people also visit this site. My wife has been pretty disgusted in the past and has stopped viewing. She also now has a much lower opinion of the expat community. People base their opinions/prejudices on what they see.
If you are a teacher, both employers and students read this stuff, and form opinions about you.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

What you say is a fact. However, perceptions often outweigh facts. By casually saying that among a group of people are criminals, it paints the whole group.

alienew (422 posts) • -2

Indeed - one of my problems with the nature of current online-fixation - frankly, I think, in many instances, it is becoming a social problem: people more and more 'see' online, where others say things they seem to believe, which is often not the case in face-to-face encounters... hmm, maybe I'm wrong, maybe posters are actually being more honest than they dare to be in 'real life'? Maybe this is not bad?
Of course this will also mean an increase in outright liars.

lemon lover (1006 posts) • +4

MM seams to get a kick out of being the top listing on the Forum section and he manages quite well in this. I think we should agree that from now on we should ignore all posts from MM (and his buddy James Calles) and then the fun will be over soon.
If he still doesn’t get the point simply blacklist him.

alienew (422 posts) • -1

No, don't go blacklisting posters (except for reason of legal repercussion), just ignore the ones you don't like. If you can't ignore them, the problem is yours, not theirs.

liuer2 (38 posts) • +5

As moderator you already have the task to remove commercials, references to illegal activities and substances, etc. I have no problem if you extend this to trolls and those who are widely off the point of what this platform is about.
As TigerTiger pointed out GoKunming is getting less attractive and even gets a negative atmosphere that especially for our host community makes it less attractive.
I personally think that the level of forum post has dropped dramatically lately and GoKunming forum posts are not contributing to the standard at which a site like this likes to be. A bit more aggressive moderating could improve this.

iTeach (96 posts) • +1

no point in GKM censoring MM,,this entity would just return as NN,OO,PP
The problem ain't MM,,it's the individuals who blindly,addictively an self-indulgently respond to any and every post without any real thought. These posters keep MM and the like at the top of the forum list,,whereas if they exercised some restraint MM would float to the bottom and disappear.

Don't try educating or deleting MM. The GKM serial posters/auto-responders need educating and they need to back off the keyboards and count to a 1,000 to overcome their addiction.

these people should show a bit of consideration and respect for the community 'cause MM and the like never will.

iTeach (96 posts) • +2

stop and think where you are and the answer to yer question is obvious,, the government!!!

alienew (422 posts) • -1

@iTeach: I get your point, but that's a rather passive attitude, don't you think? The sort of thing that leads to education that means nothing more than memorizing to pass exams.

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