
Classical amateur choir in Kunming?

kewen (8 posts) • 0

Does anyone know of any amateur choirs in Kunming that sing/perform classical (Western) music? I've been singing in university choirs for the past couple of years and would like to continue, does anyone know if any of the universities in Kunming happen to have choirs as well? I'm studying at YunDa's green lake campus, so somewhere central would be ideal.. (Church choirs would be interesting too actually if they sing masses and the like)

LuciaH (1 post) • 0

Hi there, I just wondered if you had any luck finding a Choir? I would be interested in singing in one whilst we’re here for a few months. Thanks in advance.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

For Mass, it might be worth contacting the official Roman Catholic Church in Kunming, to see if they have a sung Mass.
I am not sure if Yunda teaches music, of if any of the Unis in Kunming have a orchestra. If they do, the staff or members of the orchestra may know of local choirs. If not, there may be musicians who have a interest in singing, and you could start your own informal singing group.

JanJal (1244 posts) • 0

@tigertiger: "I am not sure if Yunda teaches music"

My wife studied in Yunnan University, and her roommate was a music major.

Rai91 (1 post) • 0

I know this thread is old, but I have been thinking about starting a choir myself... so long as I stick around the area at least another year. message me if you are still interested.

vicar (817 posts) • -3
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@tigertiger Where is the official Roman Catholic Church in Kunming? Did the Vatican appoint the Archbishop? Appointed by the papacy?

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • -2

Vatican and Beijing are in negotiations I believe.

vicar (817 posts) • -1

Conscience is funding the Chinese economy/army and Jesus is furious. Matthew 21:12. Mark 11:15, Luke 19:45, John 2:13. If you are a member of a Catholic church in China, it's either illegal (police can arrest you at anytime because you are breaking their law) or you lose points on your profile big time if it's a patriotic association with the Chinese. For the Chinese government it's a money making opportunity and strictly nothing else.

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