
Changing a Student Visa to Z Visa in Country???

Wanna Be Bendi Ren (14 posts) • 0

Hi there, I am currently studying Mandarin in Kunming but will shortly need to look for a job teaching English, preferably with a university. Does anyone know whether it's possible to change visas in country or whether one has to skip to HK or actually return to home country? Many thanks for any advice.

kurtosis (86 posts) • 0

Changes all the way - did that before. Just go to the PSB and ask, they have the most up-to-date information.

LeavingforChinaLeavingforChina (7 posts) • +1

I'm pretty sure they changed the rule late last year and it's not possible anymore, but like Kurtosis said, go to the PSB on Tudong road and ask, 3rd floor

michael2015 (784 posts) • -1

It "can" be done by paying an extra fee and it's at the sole discretion of the Visa Entry/Exit division.

1. You have to physically ask at the Visa Entry/Exit office for foreigners AND if the clerk says, "No." (usually)...
2. You have to request a supervisor (who usually speaks pretty darn good english) and ask the supervisor if you can pay an additional fee or penalty to get it done. If the supervisor declines...please enjoy your trip. Ventiane is usually a pretty good excuse to enter/exit if you can get a beachfront shack over the weekend.

It's USUALLY possible if there's a hardship issue (like economic cost, children, work issue).

As for physical entry/exit, search the other threads on this issue.

Wanna Be Bendi Ren (14 posts) • 0

Thanks Everyone - Sounds like a trip to the PSB is the way to go. Micheal, are you saying if they say no, then I can go to Ventiane to get a work visa sorted out there? That would be great news as taking my family of 4 back to the UK would be an expense I'd prefer not to fork out!

michael2015 (784 posts) • 0

No. I'm saying if you need a quick entry/exit stamp - Ventiane et al are quicker and not as expensive and troublesome as a HKG trip. Visa issues are ultimately and explicitly the domain of the PSB's Visa Entry Exit Bureau.

alienew (422 posts) • 0

@Wanna Be: You can never be a bendiren, but don't let that stop you from learning to speak (at least), in a country where your native language seriously limits you. Some foreigners don't fully realize this, as the limitations appear in areas they don't quite know the existence of. To varying degrees that is the case for all of us, of course.
Anyway, teaching English is useful all around. Best wishes, keep on chooglin'.

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