Anyone been to the Dounan Flower Market recently? I have a friend visiting, and want to know if it's worth a see.
Anyone been to the Dounan Flower Market recently? I have a friend visiting, and want to know if it's worth a see.
Always worth a visit. Go as early as you can, before 08:00, before people start packing up. Find out the time of the auction (late night - early hours) and see if you can get to witness the action.
There is also dounan wetlands park across along dianchi. Some very nice views there.
@tchaowen You are of course right. Only authorised bidders gain access to the actual auction room. However, I’ve always found I can view the proceedings from outside on the first floor balcony and at the same time watch the constant movement of flower trolleys in the massive indoor waiting area where the flowers are lined up waiting to enter.
thanks for all the tips! I guess final verdict is that it's worth a visit(:
If you are living here and interested in plants, you might consider growing your own. You can rent, borrow or assist in the cultivation of land around Kunming for the plant of your choice.
Afterall, it’s a wonderful place for plants.