
Is this fake news or not?

dolphin (509 posts) • +3

>> Trump is a highly successful CEO and a highly successful reality TV star - his Apprentice syndication has been ongoing for over 10 years.

But did he start off with tens of millions from his father? It's hard to fail with that kind of capital at your disposal. By the way, not to take away from the fact that he's the world's premier real estate tycoon, but he did actually have a bunch of other businesses that failed.

Or maybe this is fake news?
Trump Airlines

Trump Vodka

Trump: The Game
Trump Casino
Trump Steak
Trump University

He's a douchebag. Instead of starting all these failed ventures, he could have started some charities.

The 1% club (ie his friends) own the TV networks, so they can make your pet hamster a TV star if they decide to. My vague recollection of The Apprentice, after watching barely an episode, is that the highlight of the show was when Emperor Trump fired the lowly staff. "You're fired!" was suddenly entertaining.

This is abuse of power that is so prevalent in the corporate world being glorified ... you're never quite good enough ... we need to give you performance reviews ad nauseum ... and you could get fired at any time ... betrayal .... backstabbing ..

It's crass. And it's precisely what we need to be moving away from.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

Having also seen The Apprentice, all be it, not the American version. I think most of the attraction lies with seeing people who are overly stupid and overly confident in their abilities, fall on their faces with even in even the slightest real world scenario. I don't think it's the workers Vs the machine spectical that you are painting it as. It's entertainment TV, probably scripted, featuring people who would sell their grandmother's for 15 minutes of fame. Let's not associate the struggle of those idiots with the struggle of the proletariat to put food on the table.

michael2015 (784 posts) • -1

The thing about real news - it presents facts or both sides of a conflict.

Trump is in a protracted, entrenched, and embattled conflict with the general media. You already know the media's assertions, but what is their true motive or motivation? Look beyond the dogfight to see both sides. Most politicians seek to pacify the media - but Trump delights in baiting them.

Assume the opposite of what the media wants you to believe - that the founder and CEO of a multi-billion dollar empire ISN'T a stupid moron.

If you can look beyond the media bias and see the opposite - you just might see that Trump is (at least for American politics) a genius manipulator and strategist.

The media is so whipped into an anti-Trump frenzy - they're not paying attention to his governance of the USA and Trump is quietly actually getting things done in the background, for the last year, while the contentious media is utterly distracted...with all things Trump.

Trumpster (84 posts) • 0

Sorry, I don't need the "media" to tell me Trump is an "incompetent bumbling imbecile", I can make that determination by reading his tweets, speeches, and interviews. And if you tell me that is all an act then he is worse than an imbecile, he is a manipulative evil man.

In addition, your argument isn't persuasive as you are cherry picking the facts augmenting with rumors and hearsay.

We don't know for a fact his empire is worth "multi-billion" dollars as he won't release his income taxes and as a private corporation, it is not required to release its financials, you know nothing about its debt-load. When you take out a loan to buy a home, you don't own a house, you own a mortgage.

Having a program run 10 years isn't really all that noteworthy either, as there have been many programs that have ran longer. By that metric we should elect Bob Barker as king.

Trumpster (84 posts) • 0

BTW, in addition to Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice, Trump Productions also produced a total of 2 other shows, Pageant Place (lasted 1 season) and The Ultimate Merger (lasted 2 seasons). In comparison, Mark Burnett Productions, which co-produced the Apprentice with Trump (and the brainchild of the series), went on to produce The Voice and Shark Tank, having produced Survivor prior to producing the Apprentice.

Any guess as to who had more of a hand in making Apprentice a success?

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