
Is this fake news or not?

dolphin (509 posts) • -1

> and the biggest liar is orange

orange? referring to Trump?

Trump is the most "deliberately obvious" liar. Maybe he wants people to know he is lying. Maybe it's all a game. He has helped catapult "fake news" to the mainstream with his tweets. Were people starting threads about fake news before he got elected? Maybe only on fringe lunatic sites?

He is a "provocateur", constantly making shocking statements ... he is practically a 'caricature' of a politician ... all of this is to do what? Maybe he is trying to jolt the sleeping masses out of their hypnotic trance?

Napoleon (1187 posts) • -2

Using shorthand on a sign shows the ridiculousness of McDonald's and the intelligence of the people who are hired to work there, even down to the sign writers.

alienew (422 posts) • 0

@tiger: Maybe???
Of course he is. However, the system has been based on hypocrisy for a long time, and the current rage to focus on Trump's buffoonery and arrogant behaviour, although fun, is a dangerous distraction.
@Napoleon: no it doesn't.

alienew (422 posts) • 0

Yeah - brainless and unhealthy but occasionally funny. When they send in the clowns, it turns out the clowns is us.

michael2015 (784 posts) • -2

Trump is a highly successful CEO and a highly successful reality TV star - his Apprentice syndication has been ongoing for over 10 years. I think the Governorator (Arnold Schwarzeneggar) took over MC duties while Trump is busy in the white house baiting and trolling the media.

The liberal media, which is essentially everyone BUT Fox is utterly insane and delight in attempting to portray Trump as an incompetent bumbling imbecile. The guy has gone through multiple trophy wives, lives a life of ludicrous luxury (despite divorce settlements to multiple trophy wives) and still manages and operates a multi-billion dollar empires - you don't get there by being a stupid guy.

Trump has been baiting them for a solid year and they still haven't figured out he's baiting and trolling them - they can't control themselves. There's a saying - never have an argument with a crazy guy - the spectators can't identify the crazy one. To me - Trump is behaving like little kid that's barking at a hostile vicious dog that can't stop barking and growling back - dog can't stop being baited and trolled. So from my perspective, the FAKE NEWS media lacks self respect and discipline - behaving like a 2 year old on year long 7/24 temper tantrum. It's just shameful and humiliating.

Eventually, smarter people will realize it for what it is...a pervasive and emotionally immature group of media empires having an epic meltdown because their dream candidate (god forbid) actually lost...to Trump of all people - which just made the defeat even more epically humiliating.

As for FAKE NEWS - it's big news to Americans because they actually still believe media news is real, as opposed to arguably dubious entertainment based loosely if at all on real or imagined events.

Those screaming headlines are basically trending google words - which are then vomited onto a screen to make sensationalist or inciteful comments loosely related to the actual article or oped - generating google clickad counts, which then compensate the media outlets for their free media entertainment, masquerading as news. I seriously doubt anyone actually reads the content anymore - they just look at the headlines to flame their false sense of indignation.

I'm not even sure if the comments sections are genuine or bots...

Don't care - about the ONLY news I ever read WHEN I want to read about world events, aside from the occasional chinese news article - is bbc.com as it only registers TWO (2) adblock counts. Gokm incidentally NEVER generates adblock counts - thank you gokm...and gokm's articles and news events are generally genuinely informative and interesting...which is addicting, habitual, and refreshing....

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